Sunday 22 March 2009

APXLDS & AP Symposium in HONG KONG! (Day 0 and Day 1)

21st March 2009


Right now we are in APXLDS in Hong Kong and it is now 2 am. But sadly there is no internet here so I might have to wait for a few more days before I can upload this blog.

So far the journey in Hong Kong has been awesome! Kang Rui and I arrived here on Friday morning and we went straight to the Symposium from the airport. We were scared that we would be late but luckily they haven’t really starter yet. So yeah.. good for us. The Symposium was great! Especially the 2nd part of it. They had very good speakers with good advice on how to become a good talent in this economic crisis time. And they had great sponsors in food, venue, and wine! Yes they served wine for cocktails! Sadly we were sooooo tired by the end of the Symposium and we didn’t mingle around long at the cocktails and went straight back to our hostel and dropped dead on the bed. Dropped dead here I mean practically dead on the bed with my business formal shirts still on :p

The next morning we went to have dumpling noodles for breakfast and it’s hard to order breakfast with both of us not knowing any single Cantonese. Cos they all thought we are Hong Kongers.. sigh… I think the aunties’ English is not that good too apparently.

The Global Village was great!! It’s actually held together with the opening ceremony of APXLDS and it was held in this public place called Avenue of Stars. So the public can basically come to our booths too. The place is actually very similar to Esplanade area where you can see sea and Hong Kong Island across. Sadly the weather is so foggy/hazy, dunno because of the pollution or cos it’s the end os spring, so we cant see anything.

And our booth (perhaps for the 1st time) is quite popular! Cos of the henna that we are promoting. So now Singapore is famous for its henna hahhaa.. Many queues for the henna and we actually anyhow draw for them. Hope they are not complaining hahhaa..Will upload the video soon. Then Adrian showed them Singlish during the opening plenary. And oh ya! We have a new Singapore cheer! Adapted from VJ cheer. The response wasn’t that great, but at least we have something else other than the Singapore kiss haha..

At night we are supposed to have a “pajamas party” but apparently we only had one hour to party in the venue then we get kicked out. And the atmosphere wasn’t really there so we left and joined the Australian room party. BUTT we all don’t have mixers to mix with the cheap liquor that they bought!! (10 HKD for disgusting rice wine. Ugghh)

SO yeah the 1st day has been quite good so far, but let’s hope the atmosphere will be getting better and better for the next 6 days and we have to wake up tmr at 6.45 am!! I don’t think I can wake up that early haha..

OH YA! One interesting fact is. I think the people in my house (Vasudha and I stayed in the same house with 6 other girls). We all are sort of “the gossip girls” hahha.. Especially with this nice Australian girl. We loved to watch Gossip Girls and we were gossiping about the “scandals” that we started to see in the conference. and they have gossip box! Hmm. So adrian is on action soon haha..

Alright then. Going to sleep soon after my hair gets dry. Will update you again soon about what’s happening tomorrow on the 2nd day!

Stay tuned with us and HI BERNICE AND ELROY! Back from Egypt yet? :p

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